Leon d'Oro
the Hospitality trough three generations
in the historic city centre
It is since grandfather Carlo, in 1938, decided to settle in Riva del Garda and inaugurated the Hotel Restaurant Leon d’Oro, Salvaneschi family welcomes travellers from all over the world, taking care of them with the same attention they would reserve for their closest best friends.
A tradition that we still carry on with pride today, strengthened by our history, our values and the exceptional beauty that surrounds us. If the standardized hospitality of modern tourism no longer satisfies you, if you feel the need to live a more authentic experience, come and visit us.
You will not find yourself in a foreign and occasional environment, but perfectly at ease in a friendly place. And when in the evening, satisfied by the thousand opportunities that Garda Trentino has to offer, you decide to return to your flat, it will be spontaneous and natural for you to call it home.
Contact us with confidence and transform your journey into a succession of unforgettable emotions.
We are waiting for you!